Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mamala Bay

                                                                Hawaiian Beach

This is our local beach, but we call it our muddy watering hole. There are hardly any waves since it has a big reef that makes it into a giant natural pool. It gets really crowded and the water is always cold. However, we have used it to sail and kayak. 

                                                           Sunny Hawaiian Beach

One of our favorite things to do is finding out the ancient legends attached to the places we visit. This is Mamala Bay and it is full of folklore and local stories. This land used to belong to the Queen of Hawaii not so long ago, and it was her favorite place to get away from the busy streets of Honolulu.

                                                                   Hawaiian Shoreline

Mamala was a Hawaiian chief of Ancient Hawaii that loved to surf, play Hawaiian checkers, and drink 'Awa, a drink made from the roots of the Kava plant that relaxes the nerves without disrupting mental clarity. She was a beautiful woman that could change into a giant lizard or a shark. You can almost imagine her walking around the ever changing color of this beautiful bay.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Pink Hawaiian Flowers


     Flowers are one of my favorite things to photograph. Very few things look better the closer you get. That's exactly what happens with flowers. The closer you get, the more details you can find. There are many different colors and shapes. Almost everywhere you go you can find a flower, and if you get close enough, it can give you an amazing photograph that could spark dreams and feelings. The color of the flower and the time of day can make a big difference in your final picture.

     A local trail, a state park or your own backyard could be a great place to find the most amazing photographic potential. Some flowers are so bright you'll need to take the picture early in the morning or at sunset.

     I have found a few choices when it comes to pink flowers in Hawaii. However, they are so bright that it makes it almost impossible to take their picture on a sunny day. I have found that cloudy days or shady spots make the pink flowers of Hawaii smile in just the right way.

     But if you find a pink flower in Hawaii with just enough filtered light, it will give you an image with a very special and unique character. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Family Teamwork

Team Oceanic Chic blog!

   Oceanic Chic started as little more than a small business venture, but it has become a family adventure. I have always been handy with a camera. Maybe it was all those childhood times spent in front of several family photographers. Or maybe it was the years of working at Walt Disney World, where there is always someone pointing a camera at you or asking for help on taking a family photo. Whatever it was, it has helped me to develop an eye for photography.

  When we had more pictures than we knew what to do with, we decided it was time to put them to work. We tried our luck with CafePress. It was a really easy to use and the set up was a snap. I highly recommend it to anyone that would like to sell their pictures or graphic designs but does not want to spend too much time on it.

  We then tried our luck at Oceanic Chic Etsy Store.   However, this took a little bit more time to set up.

   If you decide to start a similar business venture, just try to make sure you include the entire family in your project. Everyone is always talking about how technology has damaged family relations, but I have found that, through all the work we've put into these businesses, we should be using technology to make our families stronger and united. We should use technology in helping us make our families into teams, strive towards goals together, and make this process fun at the same time.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Our team is always looking for great adventures and memorable places,
but sometimes we discover an amazing opportunity right in a beachside
parking lot. We were just about to head home and this gorgeous sunset
was unfolding in our local sky. We had no time to make it to a better
spot so we had to take the picture quickly while we still had the
chance. The results certainly surprised and satisfied us!