Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Family Teamwork

Team Oceanic Chic blog!

   Oceanic Chic started as little more than a small business venture, but it has become a family adventure. I have always been handy with a camera. Maybe it was all those childhood times spent in front of several family photographers. Or maybe it was the years of working at Walt Disney World, where there is always someone pointing a camera at you or asking for help on taking a family photo. Whatever it was, it has helped me to develop an eye for photography.

  When we had more pictures than we knew what to do with, we decided it was time to put them to work. We tried our luck with CafePress. It was a really easy to use and the set up was a snap. I highly recommend it to anyone that would like to sell their pictures or graphic designs but does not want to spend too much time on it.

  We then tried our luck at Oceanic Chic Etsy Store.   However, this took a little bit more time to set up.

   If you decide to start a similar business venture, just try to make sure you include the entire family in your project. Everyone is always talking about how technology has damaged family relations, but I have found that, through all the work we've put into these businesses, we should be using technology to make our families stronger and united. We should use technology in helping us make our families into teams, strive towards goals together, and make this process fun at the same time.

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