Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mamala Bay

                                                                Hawaiian Beach

This is our local beach, but we call it our muddy watering hole. There are hardly any waves since it has a big reef that makes it into a giant natural pool. It gets really crowded and the water is always cold. However, we have used it to sail and kayak. 

                                                           Sunny Hawaiian Beach

One of our favorite things to do is finding out the ancient legends attached to the places we visit. This is Mamala Bay and it is full of folklore and local stories. This land used to belong to the Queen of Hawaii not so long ago, and it was her favorite place to get away from the busy streets of Honolulu.

                                                                   Hawaiian Shoreline

Mamala was a Hawaiian chief of Ancient Hawaii that loved to surf, play Hawaiian checkers, and drink 'Awa, a drink made from the roots of the Kava plant that relaxes the nerves without disrupting mental clarity. She was a beautiful woman that could change into a giant lizard or a shark. You can almost imagine her walking around the ever changing color of this beautiful bay.

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