Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Long Vacation in Oahu, Hawaii

Hickam AFB by Oceanic Chic
Hickam AFB, a photo by Oceanic Chic on Flickr.
As our long vacation comes to an end, we wanted to find a picture that would sum up the last 4 years living in Hawaii.

For us, this picture does a great job at showing our 4 years on the island of Oahu. There were a few dark moments, a few light ones, many airplane rides, the illusion of paradise, many challenging moments, ups and downs and above all a big bright future.

Sometimes we all get caught up trying to hurry things along but nature has a way to show us that most of the time it is very important to stop and take it all in. I'm just very glad that there's plenty of nature in Florida. To Hawaii I bid a fond Aloha.

1 comment:

  1. Aloha, and mahalo to you for sharing your beautiful pictures, making the cutest bookmarks and being an inspiration by sharing your many great ideas and resourcefulness.
